Welcome To
My Personal Portfolio

Hi! My name is Mohit. I am a Full-Stack developer with experience building websites and web applications. I specialize in MERN Stack.

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LiveDoc is a web platform that allows users to create text documents with rich text editor integrated and realtime document editing with other users on the same document.

  • NextJs
  • ReactJs
  • TailwindCSS
  • Material-UI


CryptoWorld is a dynamic web platform that allows users to see the latest stats about Cryptocurrencies. Users can see the details, read the history, view the chart of any cryptocurrency with its price history, and everything about any cryptocurrency.

  • Javascript
  • React
  • CSS
  • Ant-design


YourJournal is a web app where users can write their daily journals.Users can create, read, update and delete their daily journals.Users can log in and signup. Their journals are fully private and are only accessible by the respective users.

  • React.js
  • ExpressJs
  • MongoDB
  • NodeJs

Portfolio Website

Built this portfolio with nextjs, react.js and styled components.

  • React.js
  • NextJs
  • Styled-Components

Avocado Agency Portfolio

Agency portfolio website made with nextjs and reactjs.

  • React.js
  • NextJs
  • CSS


ShareNotes is a web platform to share notes among students and teachers. Students and teachers can upload notes. Notes can be approved and rejected by Admin. Notes are not available to others until they are approved and are shown in the admin panel.

  • PHP
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • MySQL

Netflix Clone

Built the User Interface of the Netflix home page using ReactJS and CSS.Movies and TV Series data changes dynamically as it is fetched from TMDB API.Deployed the website with firebase hosting.

  • React
  • CSS
  • Firebase


I've worked with a range of technologies from Back-end to Frontend

  • Front-End

    Experience with

  • Back-End

    Experience with
    Node.js and Express.js

  • Database

    Experience with
    Databases like MongoDB and SQL

About Me

I am a Full-Stack developer with experience building websites and web applications. I specialize in MERN Stack.

Innovating one project at a time